EDI Submission error

Seems like some corruption but can’t figure what.

Sporadically users get the error “Server error occurred” when trying to submit EDI docs. The error shown in the error log is attached.

I delete the EDI doc from (TN and Developer) and recreate it and it works for a while till it breaks again.

This last time, I deleted all EDI packages and brought it over from another good server and bounced IS. Waiting to see if it happens again.

Would like to know if anyone else has seen such issues before? I have had this happening a few times past couple of weeks.
Error.txt (3.68 KB)

Are you trying to submit from the WmEDI admin homepage??..so the issue might be with WmEDIForTN package…

or else you can develop a service that submits EDI to TN using routeXML service…incase if the error persists in future.


I don’t know much about this EDI submission.I think it involves flat File formats have fixed record lengths or record segments. Each data element has assigned character positions within each record. Usually the fields and/or records are expanded to the maximum length. Delimiters are not included in the Flat File transmissions, since the data is identified by the position it occupies in the file. The submitting company’s computer staff writes the computer programs to produce the files which contain transactions in the specified format.

The error is happening again.
I traced the issue through and the problem is at wm.tn.doc:recognize.

I get the error using either wm.tn:receive or wm.tn:routeXML
Any ideas? This time copying over a good WmTN and WmEDIforTN didn’t help. I had to delete the document and schema then recreate it from EDI Admin.

Error attached
Error.txt (19.4 KB)

What EDI docType are you routing to TN??

What status showing in the Transaction Analysis section is it unknown on doctype only or sender/receiver/documentype and selecting default rule??


This one was a 4010 810 but the issue is not specific to an EDI type I have had issues with 4010 830 3010 810 4010 850 but yes I am having issues only with EDI documents

When this error happens it fails at the recognize so doesn’t make it to TN.
The flow of wm.tn.doc.xml:routeXml is:

The flow of wm.tn:receive is:

Try this …use routeXML only

For Debug…Just paste the EDI content(valid data) in a string var called edidata (in a map step)

Map step (edidata)
wm.tn.doc.xml:routeXML (dont map anything here just leave as is)

Before routing make sure the particular EDI documentType exist in TN and in enabled state.

Let us know how it goes…