Edi 210

HI RMG, Everything worked fine after the server restart.Thank you very much for the advise. Thanks, Capri_lak

Glat to hear it worked!

Hi, I am implementing pub.client.http built in service to retreive data from the customer using get method. I am able to see the service is getting executed and displaying the results.But while testing the service, the results panel is frozen and the developer is getting hung.Could anyone please advise. Thanks in advance, Capri_lak.

Is the document received very large (EDI or xml)? Also you can try increase developer heap size in the developer.bat and resart session.See how it goes.

First test with smaller files and see the difference.


Hi RMG, Thank you very much. Yes it is an Large XML. I am going to increase the heap size and work in that direction. I did search in my developer.bat file and didn’t find any parameter related to heap size.I am Just wondering is there any other place i need to look for that parameter? Could you please advise. Thanks, Capri_lak.

The setting used to be earlier versions and now it points to jvm folder…anyways since the doc is large it as expected…you should implement the IS large file handling using WmPublic node iterator services (node) or TN large doc handling configuration to view bytes by bytes…Pls check this forum on large file techniques as there were many threads discussed in this direction.


Hi, I am just wondering when we use Deployer tool to prmote the packages from test to production, Do we need to restart the production servers regarding the new packages to take effect? I mean is it mandatory to restart the server.Could any one please advise. Thanks in advance, Capri_lak.

No need for restart always unless you see any issues/in logs…Normally after the package deployment (patch or full build) successfully installed (per build report),then just make sure Packages–>Management -->your deployed package is loaded with out any errors (some times partial) and must be in the enabled state…


Currently I am working EDI project which I am having an issue as follows: So we are basically getting the EDI from Customer and need to send 997(FA) to them. As a part of it I selected auto generate option in Partner specific TPA. It is processing fine, but the 997 are going under the Document type as x12 envelope instead of X12 version 997 as document type in the TN console, which we are having trouble to recognize which document while troubleshooting. I am just wondering am I missing anything which is causing the issue. Could anyone please advise when you get a chance Thanks in advance, Capri_lak

By default it will send X12 Envelope only as expected and you should be sending envelope level that acks all (ISA/GS level)…

Other wise you can set up a custom generateFA (logic) service and create a processing rule that will send X12 version 997 transaction level.But this over head can be avoided with default auto generation option.


Our present architecture is 4 IS’s running on two physical boxes not clustered.We have created the same number of schedulers on each instance and made sure they are enabled on only one instance at a time. we are in the process of coming up with a script that should take care of suspending those schedulers before it brings down the instance on weekly basis.I am just wondering when I ran the get taskIDs service on all the 4 instances it did give me the information regarding the schedulers fine, but they are having the same taskIds on all the 4 servers, Just curious to know how the taskids are assigned? even though the schedulers are on different instances will they have the same taskiD?Could anyone please advise when you get a chance. Thanks, Capri_lak.

Did you configure Remote Servers alias (on 4ll 4IS’s)


Hi RMG, Yes we did configure remote aliases on all 4 IS’s. Thanks, Capri_lak.

Did you selected the right Target server on all IS’s during Scheduler configuration and this could be the check point?

Hi RMG, Thank you for your response. I am actually confused regarding the configuration of target server on 4 IS’s? Like I mentioned in the past all the schedulers are defined on the 4 servers and they are enabled on only one instance at a time based on the need.I am just wondering Can we do something like you are mentioning as configuring the same target server? Could you please advise. Thanks, Capri_lak.

Can we do something like you are mentioning as configuring the same target server? → What i mean is when you created scheduler have you selected that particular IS Name in the Cluster Target Node? (I understand you have enabled schedulers only on one of the 4 IS’s)


Hi RMG, I would like to let you know that the 4 IS’s are not in cluster and they are stand alone on two physical boxes two on each and the schedulers are enabled on only one instance at a time. Thanks, Capri_lak.

Since you configured remote servers on each IS…do you see the Target param filled in the scheduler admin page on each IS?

Hi RMG, I do not see ant target param field on the scheduler admin page on any of the IS’s. I would like to let you know that we are on IS 6.5 sp3 environment. Thanks, Chandra.

Uh…I thought you are on 7.x…Sorry!