We are planning to deploy the weMethods Integration Server MSR as a Container.
We realized that there is an container image on dockerhub for the MSR 10.11
But this image does not include the latest patches - e.g. patches for log4j issue.
My question is what is best practice here to get latest binaries in the docker image?
Is there a place were software AG maintains an MSR image with the latest patches.so we can always pull an up to date base image and configure this afterwards. (which we would definitly prefer)
Or do we have to have an on prem installation of the MSR which we need to update with the installer before creating an docker image from it.
@Christian_Cerny , we will be updating Docker image on Dockerhub with Core Fix2 in next couple of days, this will include updates to Log4j libraries.
Also, we are in the process of producing base MSR’s Docker images with latest fixes on a regular basis going forward. If base Docker image published on Dockerhub, fulfills your requirement, you can use it. However, if you need additional components / packages, you will need to install MSR locally with layered products and create Docker image out of your installation.
Thanks a lot for the swift answer! This is then what we are heading and waiting for
Yes. This would be sufficient. We would pull image with latest fixes, add our custom packages and configuration on the fly and deploy the container then.
Do you have a place already to look for the latest MSR drop then in the next days?
Will it be annoucned somewhere?
Base images used for Microservices Runtime images are listed below
softwareag/webMethods-microservicesruntime: uses Alpine 3.15.3 as a Base image and includes Zulu JDK 11.54 ( Feb 2022 update)
softwareag/webMethods-microservicesruntime: uses UBI 8.5-240 as a Base image and includes Zulu JDK 11.54 ( Feb 2022 update)
softwareag/webMethods-microservicesruntime: uses Alpine 3.15.3 as a Base image and includes Zulu JRE 11.54 ( Feb 2022 update), in addition this image does not include Webservices libraries (WSStack) as part of the Docker image