Does the JDBC Adapter(6.5) built-in adapters support Synonyms?

Hello There,

I am trying to look up synonyms using built-in JDBC Adapter select template. I wasn’t able to view them. does the JDBC adapter 6.5 support support synonyms?

webMethods Version - 9.0
JDBC Adapter version - 6.5
DB - SQL Server 2008.
Jars being used - sqljdbc4.jar

Appreciate your reply,


Can you try with customSQL template and see if it works for T-SQL?


@RMG - Thank you for your reply.

Custom and Dynamic SQL works.

We have existing implementations which are using built-in adapter templates. We would like to do some property tweak or so and make sure there won’t be any issues with the existing ones. We have changed some of the tables to synonyms, which doesn’t impact the existing implementation, but if we try to change any of the existing adapter template (say SELECT template) which is using a synonym rather than table, we were not able to see the synonym. So, i have to update the template to point to right connection with DB where the actual table exists. Which we are trying to avoid as we might have many templates in this situation.


There is no other choice rather than changing the SELECT template and point to the schema.actual table based on the connection.


Thank you @RMG.

That’s what we might end up doing.


ok good deal :smiley: