Has anyone created a documentum adapter via the adapter development kit or does anyone know of a good way for integrating to Documentum using the Integration Server?
Has anyone created a documentum adapter via the adapter development kit or does anyone know of a good way for integrating to Documentum using the Integration Server?
After much hesitation we are in the process of developing a limited (very limited) Documentum adapter using the CADK and the Documentum DFC.
I am planning to use web services technology SOAP in particular in order to integrate with Documentum. Several web services that implement our business logic using DFC will be devloped and Web Services Connector of webMethods will be used to invoke these web services real-time.
Documentum supports the WebDav protocol. This enables you to perform DQL queries over HTTP. The DQL satatments contained within an xml format are passed within the HTTP header as part of the HTTP request. WebDav supports the ability to get files from, put files into, and query on attributes against Documentum.
You will need to install the WebDav service (this is a free download from Documentum) on the Documentum server and then you will be able to utilize the HTTP client within the Integration server to talk to Documentum.
I need to integrate with Documentum . There are some options like webservices,DFCs, WebDav etc which I became aware of ,searching this forum. Also there are other services tht documentum offers like FTP,SMTP, XML and JDBC Services. I am now confused as to what option I shuld be using and trade offs between them.
My requirement is to populate data from a Siebel application, these are business properties that will be used for folder and document and I am thinking of using JDBC Adapter to integrate.
I am hesitant because none in this form has mentioned of using JDBC
Is this the best option ?what are its limitation?
Any help will be greatly appreciated