I am attempting to use pub.web:documentToRecord to convert XML document created by recordToDocument back to a record as part of a transaction-restart capability.
When I invoke pub.web:documentToRecord with the XML string created earlier and the fully qualified record name specified in the recordName parameter, it is not creating the resulting record with the correct dimensionality. Three key recordlists specified as such in the record structure are created as records instead.
The Built-In Services Guide states that the “recordName” parameter of the documentToRecord service is used to “explicitly specify the order and dimensionality of elements. It is an alternative to using makeArrays and arrays to specify which elements are to be generated as arrays.”
My normal workaround would be to ditch the record name parameter and just specify the names of all of the recordlists to be created and set makeArrays to true. The problem in this case is that one of these element names is a record in one portion of the document and a recordlist in another (bad design perhaps, but it is what it is).
So, has anyone else seen this behavior in IS 4.6 SP2? Is there a workaround or patch? Is this fixed in IS 6.0?
Mark Carlson