Do we have any tutorials for changing MWS look and feel for login screen and other portlets

Do we have any tutorials for CAF where we can change the login screen and its corresponding portlets.

  1. We have created a shell and assigned a user with parent shell as power drill and left nav as noodle shell
  2. Created a new skin and changed the logo.gif to custom one and added skin rule and all that.

when we login with the created user i get the screen of the sysadmin with the assigned fabric tasks which is expected but what to change the whole look and feel of left nav,tables,body background

How to change the entire look and feel to a custom webpage is where we are stuck.

Hi Abhijith,

do you have a shell rule activated for your custom shell?
Remember to check the evaluation order of these rules.
Custom rules need to be evaluated prior to the default admin rules.

Make sure that the custom users are not member of the admin rules when they don´t need them.

Check out the CAF Development Guide as well as the MWS Administrators/Users Guide.


Hi Holger

Thanks for the reply. Yes i have custom shell rule and skin rule created and that rules are getting evaluated correctly.

But what i need is how to change the css for left nav. When i created the shell rule for left nav i had to take noodle shell left nav as that is the only option i see.

Now how to apply custom css to the shell rule is where i am stuck…

In my custom skin when my go to C:\SoftwareAG\MWS\server\default\deploy\portal.war\ui\skins\SkinDemo\css

i see base and extended i tried to change in the background but its not getting reflected.

When i go to C:\SoftwareAG\MWS\server\default\deploy\portal.war\ui\skins\wm_skin_noodle\css which is for left nav and if i change anything here everything for all users get changed including Administrator.