Device Integration using MQTT Protocol

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I am exploring device integration to Cumulocity using MQTT protocol. Cumulocity IoT uses specific topics for different types of messages. Here are some common topics like: Device Registration**: s/us and Device Measurements**: s/us.

  1. Is it possible to get data on a custom MQTT topic in Cumulocity?
  2. Can data received on custom/predefined MQTT topic in Cumulocity be sent to a queue or streaming pipeline for further processing before storing it to Cumulocity DB?

Error messages / full error message screenshot / log file:

Question related to a free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?

Hi @punam90singh

for that purpose there is the MQTT Service currently in private preview. If you are interested in a preview you should approach your Sales/Partner contact.

You can send any topic & payload to that service and use a microservice to do the processing to Cumulocity or use the Dynamic Mapper to do that in a zero-code approach.

Thanks you Stefan for the information!

I have couple of questions in this regard.

  1. Any tentative timeline by when MQTT Service feature will be available for all, so that we can consider this in designing solution?

  2. When we received data on Cumulocity predefined topics , it will go directly to Cumulocity persistent DB or we need to expose some microservice to process and store it to Cumulocity?

I think it will be available later this year. I don’t know the detailed roadmap of MQTT Service but maybe @Jane_Porter or @Scott_Mitchell1 can tell you more.

To 2: If you use SmartREST all the messages are going directly to Cumulocity. Based on the topic you can decide if it should be persisted or just displayed in UI or used in Streaming Analytics. s/us means all of it for example. So no additional microservice needed.

Hi @punam90singh,

The MQTT Service is currently in Private Preview (limited customer trial) status, where we are collecting feedback from customers to understand how the service needs to evolve before it can move to GA status. There is no committed timeline but we’re aiming for a GA date in early 2025. As Stefan says, if you wanted to join the preview, we can discuss that through your sales/partner representative.

Many thanks,


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