Deploying my process model changes

In integration server, under packages, management, I am able to successfully create packages and deploy for the changes I made in service perspective. But for the changes I made in process perspective, after creating a project, when I go to define set, I am able to see and select only the packages in my service perspective. I am unable to see any of things in process perspective to select.

I do not know what I am doing incorrect. While creating the project, I did choose “Enable Process for Analysis” under “Process Model Deployment Options”.

Any help to overcome this issue will be appreciated.


Hi Siva,

You should select set type as 'BPM (Process Model) to select bpm assets. Also configure Source/Target BPM Servers. Let me know if it doesn’t helps.

Thanks & Regards
Rohit Gupta

Hi Siva,

instead of “Enable Process for Analysis” you should use “Enable Process for Execution”.

“Enable Process for Analysis” will only be applicable if you are using Optimize for Process.

Remember to define the remote server and the logical server correctly on the target side.
Especially the logical server name needs be identical.

Please have a look at the Deployer Users Guide. This will give some hints for this.


Thank you Gentlemen. I did not use “Enable Process for Execution” since we are using only Optimize for Process and we do not have full BPM. As Rohit mentioned, I selected set type as BPM and was able to progress a little more. Since I am running into some other unrelated issue, I will post a full status update later.

Thanks again
Siva Kuppusamy

Yes for BPM process models this is the way to go “Enable Process for Execution” and make sure you see correctly in the MWS BusinessProcess page: