I’ve recently downloaded and installed Command Central 10.1, fix 7.
I’m exploring the software stacks section of command central and I created a test stack (Stack-test).
sss7055[wmuser] ~ # sagcc list stacks
Description Alias Release
Stack-Test 10.1
When I try to delete the stacks as per the instructions, i.e. sagcc delete stacks, I get the following error:
sss7055[wmuser] ~ # sagcc delete stacks --force
ERROR: 405 Method Not Allowed
{“@id”:“1522188151943”,“message”:“HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed”}
You cannot delete all stacks. You can only delete an individual stack and you have to provide its alias.
sagcc delete stacks Stack-Test --force
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That was the command that was outlined in the help documentation. I tried it with the alias as you pointed out but it still fails.
sss7055[wmuser] /apps/webMethods101/cc1/profiles/CCE/logs # sagcc delete stacks Stack-Test --force
ERROR: 500 Internal Server Error
CCECCLE0000:This stack has the following layers: Infrastructure
Error >>>
Message: This stack has the following layers: Infrastructure
Code: CCECCLE0000
Id: 1522245469380
The current API requires to delete all layers first before you can delete the stack. There is no option to delete everything in one go.
sagcc delete stacks Stack-Test layers Infrastructure --force
sagcc delete stacks Stack-Test --force
It definitely makes sense to support deletion of the entire stack with all layers in one API call.
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I was wondering if that was the case. I tried something similiar but didn’t have the proper syntax.
I ran your commands and that removed the layer and the stack successfully.
Thanks for your help Sergei. Keep up the great work with this toolset!
I’m looking forward to leveraging these capabilities as they evolve.
Thanks. More is coming with CC 10.2 in a few weeks.
More default templates for layers are brewing here
We’ll schedule a demo / webinar to cover those
Hi Sergei,
I’ve got a few questions/remarks:
- When will this webinar take place? Or, if it has taken place yet, is there a recording available?
- Where to download version 10.2? I can see only version 10.1 for download on EMPOWER.
- CC’s Web UI should also support deletion of software stacks, but I haven’t found it there.
Best regards,
Hi Marcus,
as 10.2 is a so called Innovation Release you will have to opt-in for the possibility to download in.
Hopefully you will find a post in the announcements forum with a link to do so.
Hello Holger,
thank you for your hint! I found an e-mail address (LogisticsServiceCenterGER@softwareag.com) in the FAQs to request access to the innovation release.
Usually, I wouldn’t do that, but I still encounter many issues with CommandCentral 10.1 and - unfortunately - the Wiki on GitHub says that most templates have only been tested with CC 10.2 or later. So I will give it a try.
Best regards,
Hi Marcus,
if it is an option for you, you can wait for the 10.3 release which is a release with regular support (3 years + extended support).
This release will be available later this year.
Innovation Releases only have 1 year non-extendible support.
Hi Marcus,
- When will this webinar take place? Or, if it has taken place yet, is there a recording available?
There was no webinar yet.
- Where to download version 10.2? I can see only version 10.1 for download on EMPOWER.
Holger explained where to get it
- CC’s Web UI should also support deletion of software stacks, but I haven’t found it there.
Yes, it should but it does not yet.
Hi Sergei,
thank you for your answers! As the webinar is yet to come, do you know when it will be?
Best regards,
Hi Marcus,
It’s unlikely to happen anytime soon because Stacks feature did not get much of attention in 10.2 and upcoming 10.3 releases. It’s still in early beta and offers limited capabilities as a very early preview only. Once we put out of beta, even with a first set of features, we’ll cover it in webinars.