Hi, I have a colleague who wishes to post the following question…
"I am trying to install the webMethods DB2 adapter in my Integration
Server 6.1
Step I
The following are the steps I did to make the DB2 Adapter in up and
runnig condition.
a) I unzipped the DB2.zip file in the IntegrationServer\Packages folder
and started the Integration Server.
b) In the “Configure connections screens” under the “Administrator
screen”, I have entered the following properties.
Connection Type – JDBC Adapter Connection,
DataSource Class – COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver,
with serverName,UserName,Password,DatabaseName,PortNumber,Network
Protocol properties.
c) Once I saved the changes, the enabled column of the Adapters > JDBC
Adapter > Connections screen, gives me “No”
d) While trying to make the “connection as enable one”, I am getting the
following error.
Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection
resource db2:db2Connection.
[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure
connection manager.
So any idea how to resolve this issue ?
Step II
Further I tried with writing Java program, in order to connect to the
DB2 database.
I have written 2 programs. They are
a) DB2ApplTest.java
b) DB2Appl.java
I am able to run the “DB2Appl.java” program and it is connect to the DB2
But if I tried to run the “DB2ApplTest.java” program I am getting the
“java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver” error.
Please find attached the files “DB2ApplTest.java” and “DB2Appl.java”.
Could you please go through both these files and let me know how to
resolve this issue ?
Sethu "
On behalve of Sethu