let me know are your trying to mass Gateway API or Native endpoint in the response processing ? If so I hope the masking criteria is set to make effect . kindly add the snapshot of the masking policy
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>ns2:ReceiverAPI Gateway encountered an error. Error Message: Unauthorized application request. Request Details: Service - servicename, Operation - register, Invocation Time:12:34:09 PM, Date:Oct 18, 2023, Client IP -, User - Default and Application:sys:defaultApplication
Here, I want to mask the IP ADDRESS to some ******** value.
I have configured the data masking policy in both response processing and Error handling with JSON as $[‘x._source.applicationIp’] with masking TYPE to MASK and set the value as ******** but it is not working.
This is default fault error response from the API Gateway , Since your request is unauthorized from gateway . Note this is client IP’s who is requesting your API.
Is there any requirement or security concern to mask the Client_IP to client itself ?
To achieve your requirement update your default error fault under Administration → General → fault
iPaaS API Gateway has encountered an error. Error Message: $ERROR_MESSAGE. Request Details: iPaaS Service - $SERVICE, Operation - $OPERATION, Invocation Time:$TIME, Date:$DATE, Client IP - $CLIENT_IP, User - $USER and iPaaS Application:$CONSUMER_APPLICATION
@mounika_tpn I doubt there is there any leverage to update the application data .
I guess API which you are trying SOAP based on the content-type , But the policy applied for JSON format . Try updating the relevant one and check