I have registered smartREST template using Postman application for a cumulocity host of my project. These templates work correctly for Post requests like sending measurement, Alarms and so on.
Similarly, I have also registered Response templates for getting responses but I am not getting expected result in fact nothing value but only “200 OK”.
Registered request template is :
(generated X-ID :2714)
And registered response template for getting a response of the above request is as follows.
(Fragment c8y_Mobile and the value imei exist)
And a body of the request I am sending to the complicity using the registered template is as:
602,2564 (2564 is the managed object id which is correct)
How does the response template work in Cumulocity? Do I have to provide the cumulocity also Response template X-ID in order to get the correct answer for a particular request having the “GET” method?
I have not linked anywhere request and response templates. I don’t know how to link a request and a response template using Postman. I am assuming that the cumulocity will use the registered response template… Any lead or further clarification on this would be a great help…