Cumulocity IoT Edge, inbound message logging?

Product/components used and version/fix level:

Cumulocity Edge 10.15

Detailed explanation of the problem:

When sending Json via MQTT Messages with a python paho client to the Cumulocity IoT Edge,
the paho client_c8y._out_messages queue gets not emptied fast enougth what produces an error.

This is the sending command:
client_c8y.publish("measurement/measurements/createBulk", json.dumps(payload), qos=1)

To debug this issue, i need to see a log of the cumulocity side MQTT broker or inbound messages. Is this possible?
I cannot find this log in the “diagnostic file” which can be downloaded from the management tenant administration.

Hi Simeon,

you can subscribe to the topic: “s/e” to get error messages.
If you use Json via MQTT see also the “error” topic here: (Thanks @Korbinian_Butz )



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