Creating and Returning SOAPENVFAULTbs From a Newbie

Caution: Extreme Newbie question

Where can I find an example of a flow service that creates its own SOAP-ENV:FAULT and returns it as part of the soapresponsedata?


Look into the WmSamples packages of sample/soap folder browse the services(sample.soap:buildMsg_sendHTTP) it explains how to retrieve soapResponseData(object) from SOAP-ENV:FAULT for error,sucess results.


Thanks for your response, the sample you mentioned (though useful) demonstrates how to retrieve data from and existing SOAP-ENV:FAULT, however my question is how do I CREATE a new SOAP-ENV:FAULT (possibly with my own app specific details section), stuff it in the response body and send it back?


Also look into this service sample.soap.helpers:acquireSOAPMessage this have the steps how to build a custom response and send in the soapResponseData.