Crazy Monkey

If there is an Exception in Portlet, we can see error message FormattedMessages component.
On FormattedMessages component there are Show Details/Hide Details button or the right side and red circle with “X” on the left.

If you double click on button or red circle in place marked green…

…you will see astounding monkey dance!!!

I am absolutely serious.

How to find a source of this issue?
1. Open wm_cafshared.war
1. Monkey picture - \ui\img\controls\ErrorMessages\Icon_Success.gif
2. Script that call monkey in \ui\js\controls\standard\standard.js

toggleSummary: function(event) {
var element = Event.element(event);
var pos = Position.cumulativeOffset(element);
if (Event.pointerX(event) - pos[0] > element.offsetHeight + 10) return;

var dim = Position.windowDimensions();
var id = “img” + parseInt(Math.random() * 10000);
var img = document.body.appendChild(Element.create(“img”, { id: id, src: CAF.urls.closeIcon.replace(/Tooltip.*/, “ErrorMessages/Icon_Success.gif”), style: “position:absolute; z-index:10; left:” + pos[0] + “; top:” + pos[1] + “;” }));
Library.load(“scriptaculous/effects”, function() {
new Effect.Move(img, {
y: 50,
duration: 0.3,
transition: function(x) { return (x * x); },
afterFinish: function() { setTimeout(function() { new Effect.Move(img, {
x: dim.x,
duration: dim.x / 200,
transition: function(x) { return (x + Math.cos(x * Math.PI * 10) / 200); },
afterFinish: function() { if (img.parentNode) img.parentNode.removeChild(img) }
}); }, 200);}