Could not unlock assets
[ISS.0132.9117] error running command [svn, add, --non-recursive]; exit value: 1; output: [svn: Working copy ‘/sag/sag97/IntegrationServer/instances/default/packages’ locked, svn: run ‘svn cleanup’ to remove locks (type ‘svn help cleanup’ for details)]
We are not able to get around this issue for months. Something got SVN and Server out of sync. Now every time we try to modify Flow Service or check-in packages/folders or anything, we get above error. We followed the message to run cleanup on both WM folder and SVN folder and it still does not solve the issue.
Please let us know if you have experienced this or have a suggestion to fix this.
can you check the following:
- backup your local working copy
- delete your local working copy
- do a fresh checkout
- restore your latest modifications and check them in.
Thanks for the reply. We do not have local repository. Our repository and IS site on the same remote machine.
We are experiencing this issue across developers, I do not personally have access to IS server, it is owned by IT.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions for this kind of environment.
Our attempt to run SVN Cleanup on IS Server didn’t clean anything.
the local working copy is the checked out content under IS packages.
The Repository should reside in a different path.
What is your SVN Provider and Version?
Do you have IS_9.7_VCS_Fix1 and IS_9.7_SubVersion_Fix1 applied to your IS?
You will require at least IS_9.7_Core_Fix12 to be applied to your IS (dependency is stated in Readme for IS_9.7_SubVersion_Fix1).
Latest IS_Core Fix is IS_9.7_Core_Fix22.
Deleting and recreating the local working copy will remove all locks if “svn cleanup” refrains to do so.
“svn cleanup” should be invoked on the packages directory, not the complete WM directory.
Please check for “svn cleanup help” to see the various options for “svn cleanup”. Maybe you just missed one important of them and that is the reason why your last try for “svn cleanup” did not behave as expected.
Are you using VCS Integration Feature or Local Service Development Feature?