Could not extract Natural subprogram(s)

I’ve been working with NaturalONE Comm Edition,
I followed all steps in PFD “NaturalONE Tutorial How to publish a NaturalONE subprogram as a Web service?”

But on step “2.4 Create the Web service”,
2.7 Change the Container to “\Travel\Natural-Libraries\T2INBND\RES”.
Change the File Name to “GW2_SRV.idl”.
Ensure that GW_SRV is selected.
Press Next>.
When deploying

I got this:

Could not extract Natural Subprogram(s)
[ An error while invoking the operation on the remote server. Reason: Internal Server Error., statusCode=500, status Test+Internal Server Error]

Of course i can not consume de service.

I did my own example for creating a web service with the same results.

I looked for an answer on the web but i could not find any.

What should i do? Where can i find information to solve it?

Thanks in advance


Have you read NaturalONE_HowTo_ConsumeWebService.pdf? It’s specific to the Community Edition.

My understanding is that the Community Edition will expect you to run everything locally. You can try (almost) all the features and see how they work, but you can’t get to remote services or servers. (If you could, you wouldn’t need to buy the full edition.)

Thanks for your answer:

I will read “NaturalONE_HowTo_ConsumeWebService.pdf” in order to know if i missed something.

I consumed the web service example following the instructions in PDF i mentioned it.
And also i understood that only local web services can be built and tested.

Have you tried the example on the tutorial i mentioned it?