Continuous deployment automation for cloud deployment

Steps to configure automated environment for continuous deployment of On-Premise assets and configurations to cloud solution.


This article describes the detailed steps to setup an automated environment for continuous deployment of On-Premise assets and configurations to cloud solution. Instructions described in this article are for webMethods product version 10.4 and above.


  • Asset Build Environment (ABE)
  • webMethods Integration Cloud command line utility

Above SoftwareAG products should have its latest fixes installed

Third-party tools:

  • Jenkins with pipeline plugin
  • Node JS

Follow the guide to setup a cloud deployment environment

Refer to setup ABE for cloud deployment

Setting up the WMIC command line utility

The Cloud Deployment CLI interacts with webMethods Cloud Deployment and performs tasks such as managing a solution, monitoring the status of all runtimes in a solution, promoting assets from one stage to another and so on. The CLI supports the

  • npm install -g @softwareag/wmcc-cli

Specify the credentials in config.json file

  • Create a config.json file under %USERPROFILE%/wmcd_cli/ location for Windows or /

home/wmcd_cli/ in Linux.

  • Add new profiles in the config.json file.

The following is an example of a default and referenced profile in the configuration file.

"default": {
"url": "https://{subdomain}",
"userName": "userName",
"password": "password”
"someotherProfile": {
"url": "https://{subdomain}",
"userName": "userName",
"password": "password”

Jenkins automation for continuous deployment

Assuming that you have followed the article described in prerequisite section, by now you should be having following

  • A tenant and solutions in both development and test stage
  • Source repository for ABE

Let’s create a declarative pipeline to automate the following stages

In this document, we are using a windows machine and respective batch commands have been used. For non-windows machine respective command need to be replaced

pipeline {
 agent {
  node {
   label "${machine}"
   customWorkspace 'C:/CloudTransformation/SAGLiveWorkspaceCICD'

 /*Requirement: Install nodeJS 10.15 or above
 This stage will perform prerequisite steps to configure WMIC command line utility

 stages {

  This stage will perform steps to
  activate a solution in Integration Cloud Solution Landscape: Type2

  stage('Activate Solution(Dev stage)') {
   steps {
        dir("CommandlineUtils") {
        bat "wmcd-cli solution-update-status ${SolutionName} live activate --url https://${domain.Host} --userName ${WICusername} --password ${WICpassword} --mode cli"
   This stage will perform steps to build assets and configurations
   and upload it to Solution using ABE Solution Landscape: Type2

  stage('Build & Deploy Assets/ Configurations') {
   steps {
  bat 'build buildUploadAssets'

    This stage will have tests to ensure succesful deployment
    Solution Landscape: Type2

  stage('Test(Dev Stage)') {
   steps {     
    //Tests can be executed here to validate the successful deployment

     echo 'Test executed'

    This stage will Promote packages/Configuration to live stage
    Solution Landscape: Type2

  stage('Promote Assets/Config to Live') {
   steps {
    dir("CommandlineUtils") {
     //promote Integration Server packages
     bat "wmcd-cli runtime promote-packages ${SolutionName} ${Target_Server_Name} development ${LiveSolutionName} ${Target_Server_Name} --url https://${domain.Host} --userName ${username} --password ${password} --mode cli --propFile"
     //promote Integration Server configuration
     bat "wmcd-cli runtime promote-configuration ${SolutionName} ${Target_Server_Name} development ${LiveSolutionName} ${Target_Server_Name} --url https://${domain.Host} --userName ${username} --password ${password} --mode cli --propFile"
     //promote Universal messaging configuration
     bat "wmcd-cli runtime promote-configuration ${SolutionName} ${Target_Server_Name} development ${LiveSolutionName} ${LiveSolutionName} --url https://${domain.Host} --userName ${username} --password ${password} --mode cli --propFile" }

    This stage will have tests to ensure successful deployment
    Solution Landscape: Type2

stage('Test(Live Stage)') {
   steps {
     //Tests can be executed here to validate the successful deployment
     echo 'Test executed'

    This stage will deactivate the solution in development stage
    Solution Landscape: Type2

  stage('Deactivate Solution(Dev stage)') {
   steps {
    dir("CommandlineUtils") {
     bat "wmcd-cli solution-update-status ${SolutionName} development deactivate --url https://${domain.Host} --userName ${username} --password ${password} --mode cli"

    At the end of all stage execution depanding on status ,
    respective post section will executed

 post {
  success {
   echo 'I succeeeded!'
  unstable {
   echo 'I succeeeded!'
  failure {
   echo 'I succeeeded!'
  changed {
   echo 'I succeeeded!'

Push the source repository and Jenkins pipeline file to a Git so that any changes in the assets and configuration will trigger an automated Jenkins pipeline.

Create a Jenkins job with following Jenkins properties and declarative pipeline configuration.

${machine} –Jenkins node

${installDir} –ABE installation directory

${domain.Host}- tenant URL

${solution} - Solution Name in development stage

${Target_Server_Name} – target server, Integration Server/Universal messaging name

${repositoryPath} – path for parent directory of source

${username}/${password} - Login credentials of the tenant

Execution of Jenkins job will give a stage results as: