Consumer WSD connector(WS Security implementation using Policy)

I would like to know that, how to pass run time values like time stamp, token to webservice connector when we are implementing webservice security by using policies(out of box policies or built in policies)?

<o:Security s:mustUnderstand=“1” xmlns:o=“”>
<u:Timestamp u:Id=“_0”>
<o:UsernameToken u:Id=“xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”>
<o:Password o:Type=“”>xxxx</o:Password>

I have to send above security information in the soap header using policy, we have created out of box policy with user name,password and we have a chance to pass values to them via connector. But how pass run time values for ‘Created’ and ‘Expires’ timestamp and u:Id?

Could you please suggest me?

timestampes are generated automatically.
it’s taking the local time and with the setting from your Web Service Provider Endpoints
you can set it at:
Settings > Web Services
Timestamp Time to Live (seconds)
U:ID is also auto generated by IS.