Connecting to SQL Server 65 with JDBC

I am attempting to connect to a database for a legacy system that runs SQL Server 6.5 using the JDBC adapter and having some troubles. The error message that I am receiving is not that helpful either:

[ART.118.5036] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to configure connection manager.

I am using the datasource class “net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbcx.TdsDataSource”. I’ve tried both versions 0.6 and 0.7.1 of the jTDS JDBC driver and receive the same error for both.

I’ve had no issues in the past connecting to a SQL 2000 database using the JDBC driver provided by microsoft, however, I also can’t connect to a 2000 database with the jTDS driver.

Has anyone been able to connect to a SQL 6.5 database? Has anyone been able to successfully use the above mentioned JDBC driver within webMethods?

Any help/comments would be greatly appreciated.

I had the same problem and I used the Merlia driver on AIX from I-Net software in germany. See this URL:

I am using the free trial and we haven’t decided if we will buy it yet but it does work fine for writing to SQL Server. Of course, webMethods uses Data Direct “com.wm.dd.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver” for access to internal functions like Process Audit in IS. You could buy this also but I could not figure out which free trial version would work with SQL Server 6.5 from an AIX 5.2 server.