Configure timeout or Suspend process?

Hey everybody

I’ve been doing some brainstorming/research for a process I’m working on where people can enroll to a course of some sort. First the enrollment is sent to a User Task for approval, this already works. But after that, I need to send an email to the employee that enrolled in the course 7 days before it begins.

Now my question is, do I need to suspend my process until that date is reached, configure a time-out that lasts until that date or is there any other way this is best achieved?

Follow-up, if any of my suggestions are right, how do I configure this, I don’t find it very clear in the documentation.

If you have any questions or something’s not clear please don’t hesitate to ask.

With kind regards

Hi Kevin,

No you need not to put the process in suspended state explicitly for XX days.

I suggest to create a sub-process to handle the enrollment process and repeat/exit/correlate/errored depending on various conditions. HTH.

[suggestion made in jiffy :)]

Like to listen from other experts and your thought process.


Hey Rankesh

Thank you for replying but I don’t really understand what you mean. :-/

At the moment I’m trying to create a solution with an Intermediate Boundary Event Timer set to a dynamic (calculated) value. But when my process gets to the step with the timer (in Debug Mode) the timer gets completed but doesn’t continue it’s transition, maybe if you could answer this my problem would be solved?

Or is this a bad way of working?

With kind regards

Hi Kevin,

I investigate your BPM design further and get back to you.

Meanwhile you can have a look this thread:

