Component to persist rows from a database

Hi all,

Currently we have registered a service to an exception Event. Whenever an exception occurs the service is fired and performs notification type functions such as paging and email. The paging information is persisted in a database and contains columns with phone numbers and email addresses. We are concerned that a large number of exceptions could wreak havoc on the database and smtp servers.
Is it possible to write a service would read the database “once”, persist and expose the data in order to at least eliminate possible database performance issues? The table is only 77 rows at present so I don’t think it would be too much of a memory hog. Not sure how a component would expose this data?


Good day.

Yemi Bedu


Thank you, that sounds very good. I need to work with your solution a bit. I appreciate your response.


Actually, we have a java component that uses a JDBC connector to perform the database query. I am assuming that i’d set the JDBC connector attributes as you described? Would I also set the component attributes as well?


Yemi Bedu