cobol basic command.

I need to provide the dynamic DBID inside the cobol program. How to do this? What kind of control block will I use? Who can help me?
I count on your cooperation and I thank you all.

   01           W30-CB.
       05       FILLER                    PIC X(02) VALUE SPACE.
       05       W30-CC                    PIC X(02) VALUE 'S1'. <command>
       05       W30-CMID                  PIC X(04) VALUE ' '.
       05       W30-FN                    PIC 9(04) COMP VALUE 30. <file>
       05       W30-RC                    PIC 9(04) COMP VALUE 0.
       05       W30-ISN                   PIC 9(08) COMP VALUE 0.
       05       W30-ISN-LL                PIC 9(08) COMP VALUE 0.
       05       W30-ISN-QQ                PIC 9(08) COMP VALUE 0.
       05       W30-FBL                   PIC 9(04) COMP VALUE 14.
       05       W30-RBL                   PIC 9(04) COMP VALUE 13.
       05       W30-SBL                   PIC 9(04) COMP VALUE 3.
       05       W30-VBL                   PIC 9(04) COMP VALUE 13.
       05       W30-ISN-BL                PIC 9(04) COMP VALUE 0.
       05       W30-CMOP1                 PIC X(01) VALUE SPACE.
       05       W30-CMOP2                 PIC X(01) VALUE SPACE.
       05       W30-AD1                   PIC X(08) VALUE SPACES.
       05       W30-RESTO                 PIC X(36) VALUE SPACES.

W30-RC is a dual-purpose field. Set it to the DBID value before each Adabas call. After the call, W30-RC contains the return code.