Checking expiry of .p12 keys?


We have .p12 keys installed in our systems to decrypt incoming data to webMethods.
Just want to check if there is anyway from which we can check the expiration date of these keys.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Hi Hemandra,
There are four ways (as per my knowledge) to know the expiry.

  1. Every private key is having its corresponding public key. If you have public key in .der or .cer format then just double click it and then you can see the valid two and valid from date.

  2. If you have password of your private key(which i belive you should be having) then you can double click on your private key then click on next again click on next, It will ask for private key password, enter your private key password then click on next again in next page it will show two option. A) first option will automatically select the location to save the key, normally Automatic location is ‘Personal’ location or you can choose second option to select location you wish, then click next then click on Finish. It will pop up one window–>select ‘yes’. Now open the Internet Explorer go to ---->tools—>Internet options---->content---->certificate—>select the tab in which location you have saved the key—double click on the certificate you installed then you will be able to see the valid to and valid from date.

  3. Or third way is, use openSSL to generate the public key in .PEM format. Open the public key in textpad—>only keep the ‘Begin certificate’ and ‘End Certificate’ tag and data between these tags and remove other content tne save the file in .cer format. Then double click on .cer format public key and get the expiry date.

  4. Use openSSL to generate the publick key in .pem format then use below command. (This one is helpful in case no GUI is available, you are working on unix server)

openSSL> x509 -in -noout -enddate


Iam getting the error when i give the command

openssl verify request.pem

unable to load certificate
140378600339272:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:698:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE
any help appreciated…

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