can't access Integration Server,

Hi Community,

when i try to start our IS in production environnement, it start via putty and it dosn’t show any error, but i can’t access via my browser, when i verified on CCE i found attched screenshot,

there no error in server.log or any other log file, but in sag-osgi.log i found this message :

ERROR: Failed to authenticate Administrator into realm PlatformManagement
[com.softwareag.platform.jmx.internal.JmxSinAuthenticator] 2016-11-25 14:34:45,758 ERROR: Failed to authenticate Administrator into realm PlatformManagement
[com.softwareag.platform.jmx.internal.JmxSinAuthenticator] 2016-11-25 14:34:45,764 ERROR: Failed to authenticate Administrator into realm PlatformManagement
[com.softwareag.platform.jmx.internal.JmxSinAuthenticator] 2016-11-25 14:34:45,771 ERROR: Failed to authenticate Administrator into realm PlatformManagement
i don’t know what should i do please any idea, we use webMethods 9,7 and we have this IS on cluster the other one works fine,

Best Regard,

Hi Nezha,

are both clustered IS on the same box or not?
If not make sure that each box has its own SPM.

Are all components having the same password for Administrator?


hi Holger,
thak you for your reply :slight_smile: ,

the clustered IS are not on the same box, and each one has its own SPM
YES all components have the same password for Administrator,
it still show thos messages :
2016-11-25 17:27:56,306 ERROR: Failed to authenticate Administrator into realm PlatformManagement

[] 2016-11-25 17:29:47,408 WARN : Unbinding not authenticated subject thread http-bio-8092-exec-19

and when itry to start IS on Debugmode it say’s that :
WARNING: Software AG Integration Server 9.7 (default) may have failed to start


Kindly stop the IS and start it from \SoftwareAG\profiles\IS_default\bin\

Share the errors if you find any in Server.log