I’m having problem monitoring process instances. I cannot see any of them.
I have:
- configured properly the MwS settings under administration/MwS/System settings, including username/password
- process data in the database, in the table WMPROCESSDEFINITION
- configured the WmComAuth package so ‘Everyone’ can have access to everything
this is my exception in MwS:
GMT (wsclient : FATAL) [RID:616] - com.webmethods.caf.wsclient.proxy.impl.WSClientDynamicProxy: [ISS
.0088.9134] Exception occurred while processing the body of the message
SOAPException( Client: [ISS.0088.9134] Exception occurred while processing the body of the message )
at electric.soap.SOAPMessage.getSOAPException(SOAPMessage.java:691)
at electric.soap.java.reference.JavaToSOAP.invoke(JavaToSOAP.java:256)
at electric.soap.java.reference.JavaToSOAP.invoke(JavaToSOAP.java:165)
at electric.proxy.handler.Proxy.invoke(Proxy.java:126)
this also appears in MwS:
2007-09-19 17:04:35 GMT (Framework : INFO) [RID:619] - Process instance duration [3291414:0d 00:54:51.414]
2007-09-19 17:04:35 GMT (Framework : FATAL) [RID:619] - Process instance with PRT identifier [null] not returned from Mo
nitor. However, the instance was returned from Optimize. Check to see that Monitor is installed and running.
and in IS:
2007-09-19 17:04:35 GMT [ISC.0088.0001E] SOAPException: [ISS.0088.9134] Exception occurred while processing the body of
the message
I cannot figure out what’s wrong, it seems like I am missing some configuration…
Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance