We have a WSDL from a partner who implemented WS Security on their web service.
Can we import this WSDL in to Centrasite and virtualize it and then use the VS WSDL to create a consumer WSD in our webMethods env?
Can WM just handle the plain SOAP Request\Responses and send the SOAP Request to CS-Mediator(VS WSDL) which can apply WS Security to outbound SOAP Request before routing it to our partner?
Thanks for the link but i already went through them and all those policies can be applied only when we(WM) are the provider of the web service. In my case i am a consumer of a third party WSDL(Data power).
I am not looking for PEP, which i am pretty sure Mediator does. I am trying to find out if CS-Mediator can implement WS Security for outgoing SOAP request from webMethods. In other words, CS should apply the WS Security while sending request to the consumer.
I have used the add AddTimeStamp and the Addx509Token services in a wrapper service and used it in the ESB request processing setp. If i have to sign parts of the SOAP request with the certificate, does Mediator package provide anything to do it?