Caf 711 drawing portlet error [POP.001.0002]

When using the drawing portlet I get error

[POP.001.0002] A “org.xml.sax.SAXParseException” occurred with the Message “Premature end of file.”

and the portlet fails to save.

This happens with every option other than referencing a skin property

What exact portlet you are trying to use (from Drawings category?). Also are you receving this error when using Page Editor in MWS? (e.g. trying to put portlet on the page)

Yes - sorry - it is the drawing/Image portlet.

I can use images by uploading them as a skin property and then having the image portlet reference the skin property. However when I try to reference portal content I get the error.

… I am using the page editor through MWS admin.