Building REST API - a few questions

Hello Everyone ,

I have a few questions on REST API development , hope to get some help/hints on them.

  1. I didn’t find any support for RAML or Swagger in WM 9.6 …I am amiming to use a RAML file and use it the similar way we use a WSDL to create provider , meaning can we create a doc types , resources , methods etc.
  2. Did anyone try to convert a SOAP Webservice to RESTful webservice ? What are the best practices ? Especially around schema validation. I didn’t find support for JSON schema.
  3. Is there any way we can use an XSD and convert it to either RAML or a JSON schema ?

APIs are supported from webMethods version 9.7 onwards.

Yes that is what I am aware of too API’s with 9.7


Did you find a way to convert RAML to Swagger/OAS?

Check this ext forum for the conversion sake but however there will be still some gaps as discussed in the thread: