Broker versus IS for pubsub

Hi BSBabu!, No . This is my intention. I have a doc. I am validating, and publshing to the IS. I have trigger which subscribe the published doc to a Service.That service needs to convert that doc into XML string for further processing. So am just converting that doc into XML string in the subscribing service.So u know, the documentTOXML needs “Document” as the input. So while tracing that line, exception is raised as

Exception: java.lang.Exception: missing required parameter ‘document’ while executing trigger. Rejecting Document for TriggerStore:XML:Trigger.

But i have mapped the pipeline IN 's document (which is the Doc ref to the publishable document).

Please tell me what is the problem here.

BSBabu! can u reply me soon?

I am SiWa and just now registered with wmusers. So SiWa = SivaRaman. So pls i need reply soon . Thanks BSBabu.

Hi All!.
This is my intention. I have a doc. I am validating, and publshing to the IS. I have trigger which subscribe the published doc to a Service.That service needs to convert that doc into XML string for further processing. So am just converting that doc into XML string in the subscribing service.So u know, the documentTOXML needs “Document” as the input. So while tracing that line, exception is raised as

Exception: java.lang.Exception: missing required parameter ‘document’ while executing trigger. Rejecting Document for TriggerStore:XML:Trigger.

But i have mapped the pipeline IN 's document (which is the Doc ref to the publishable document).

Please tell me what is the problem here.


The input to your triggered service needs to be the fully qualified name of your publishable document. If not, the trigger will place data into your service’s pipeline, but not in the document you are expecting. This causes your documentToXMLString service to fail because the document you are mapping to its “document” input parameter is null.

The quickest way to see what the trigger is actually passing to your service is to disable all steps in your flow service and add a single pub.flow:tracePipeline statement as the first line. This will output the contents of the pipeline to your server’s log file or to the console (depending on how you started IS). You can also use pub.flow:savePipelineToFile as BSBabu suggested.

Your service input tabe must contain a document whose name matches exactly the (fully qualified) name of the document that the trigger is passing.



Hi, Mark. thanks. I have done like that . I got the subscribed contents in the file written using pub:savePipelineToFile . But i have given the correct qualified path in the Trigger as u said. But why i am not able to convert that document into XML string . Note, i have got the XML content in the File Using pub:savePipelineToFile . Any reason for that. Thanks to BSBabu.


In the subscribe service the service input should be (fully qualified publishable document name syntax is folder.subfolder:documentName(RecordReferenc).Then only the xml content which is in the pipeline will be extracted.