We are using a Broker server and the data storage file size is 4GB and already almost full (used for just 5 months). I will be creating another 4GB storage file soon.
However my question is:
SAG document says this BrokerData.qs.stor file cannot be decreased in size, and cannot be deleted. Is this for the default one only or for all of them?
Also with this rate, should I increase the disk space and create a new storage file every ~6 months? Or how can this be optimized please? Any settings or cleanup methods, any suggestions welcome.
SAG document says this BrokerData.qs.stor file cannot be decreased in size, and cannot be deleted. Is this for the default one only or for all of them? --YES its a default one and create a new one say BrokerData2.qs.stor
Also with this rate, should I increase the disk space and create a new storage file every ~6 months? Or how can this be optimized please? Any settings or cleanup methods, any suggestions welcome.
Yes you need to first determine how much disk space you can afford on the OS level (take some sysadmin help to determine) and then plan for the size of the storage file you want for example you can start with 5G 100M for any ideal situation and keep monitor the logs for the storage errors.
Sometimes, it helps if you can monitor the effective space usage through the day for sometime as this will be a better indicator of your space requirements.
As a rule, you should consider that no messages remain in the broker for more than a limited amount of time.
If you find long standing messages maybe you should consider re-designing some of your flows/processes to save the messages on a more stable storage facility (like a database or files).
From my experience, Broker storage management is particularly hard and non-portable, with the added problems incurred during maintenance and migration/upgrades.
If you can architecture your systems to be able to ‘exhaust’ all the messages in the broker periodically, then you may be able to reclaim system storage by recreating the broker storage files (delete and create, no ‘quenching’ operation exists).
Yes we noticed that there was one process that was utilising more space which will be reconsidered by our developers. However I have created additional storage files to handle the load.