I am trying to add broker to Broker Server in my web Methods server(6.5).
I am able to add Broker server in my webMethods but when I select broker server and click on Brokers it giving Error like
[POP.012.0009.wm_msg_sc_brokers] Error: Cannot get a valid connection to the Broker Server “localhost:6860”.
com.webMethods.messaging.tools.API.core.MessagingToolException: Error: Cannot get a valid connection to the Broker Server “localhost:6860”.
at com.webMethods.messaging.tools.API.broker.resourceobjects.MessageServerResourceObject.getServerDescription(MessageServerResourceObject.java:1919)
at com.webMethods.portal.portlet.wm_msg_sc_brokers.Msg_sc_brokers.search(Msg_sc_brokers.java:321)
Even in the IS I am able to see the broker connected.
Any one can give me the solution to resolve this.
I also met same problem today. Anyone can help?
Maybe try host name or IP, instead of localhost ??