Hi all,
I’m trying to use the Broker API to publish a large number of documents to the Broker for load testing.
As an exercise to familiarise myself with the API I wanted to write something that traversed the field names of a document, much like that you would see in Developer.
Here is an excerpt of my code:
public static void main(String[] args) throws BrokerException {
BrokerClient broker = getBrokerClient("host:port", "brokername", null, "clientgroup", "appname");
BrokerEvent event = getBrokerEvent(broker, "wm::is::x::y::x");
traverseBrokerEvent(event, 0);
private static void traverseBrokerEvent(BrokerEvent event, int level) throws BrokerException {
String[] fields = event.getFieldNames(null);
for (String field : fields) {
printField(event, field, level);
short fieldType = event.getFieldType(field);
// recursively traverse another struct
if (fieldType == BrokerTypeDef.FIELD_TYPE_STRUCT) {
BrokerEvent structEvent = event.getStructFieldAsEvent(field);
traverseBrokerEvent(structEvent, level+1);
} else if (fieldType == BrokerTypeDef.FIELD_TYPE_SEQUENCE) {
BrokerField seqField = event.getSequenceField(field, 0, 0);
// a mess goes here
// BrokerEvent tmpEvent = new BrokerEvent(null);
// BrokerEvent[] seqEvent = event.getStructSeqFieldAsEvents(field, 0, 0);
// System.out.println(seqField.toString());
private static void printField(BrokerEvent event, String fieldName, int level) throws BrokerException {
short fieldType = event.getFieldType(fieldName);
if (fieldType == BrokerTypeDef.FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
System.out.print(" (bool)");
} else if (fieldType == BrokerTypeDef.FIELD_TYPE_STRING || fieldType == BrokerTypeDef.FIELD_TYPE_UNICODE_STRING) {
System.out.print(" (string)");
} else if (fieldType == BrokerTypeDef.FIELD_TYPE_STRUCT) {
System.out.print(" (struct)");
} else if (fieldType == BrokerTypeDef.FIELD_TYPE_SEQUENCE) {
System.out.print("[] (seq)");
private static void printIndent(int level) {
if (level == 0) return;
for (int x=0; x<level; x++) {
System.out.print(" ");
System.out.print("+- ");
This works pretty good, I get results like this:
Doc1 (struct)
+- Field1 (string)
+- Field2 (string)
+- Field3 (string)
+- Field4 (string)
Doc2 (struct)
+- Doc3 (struct)
+- Doc4 (struct)
+- Field7 (string)
+- Doc5 (struct)
+- Field8 (string)
+- Doc6[] (seq)
+- Field9 (string)
+- Field10 (string)
+- Field11 (string)
+- Field12 (string)
+- Doc7 (struct)
+- Doc8[] (seq)
You would notice that I have not traversed into the sequences / document lists (ie, Doc6 and Doc8). As far as I can tell from the API this is not something I can do as there are no instances of Doc6 or Doc8 present (being a sequence). Calling getEventSeqField returns an empty array of BrokerEvents.
Yet at the same time, I cannot create instances of them and set them into the document as neither Doc6 nor Doc8 are publishable.
The Broker Client API documentation recommends creating a BrokerEvent without a BrokerClient set then manually setting the fields to disable type checking and then setting that BrokerEvent into the document, however then the traversal is no longer generic.
What I would be hoping to get is something like:
+- Doc7 (struct)
+- Doc8[] (seq)
+- Field13 (string)
+- Field14 (string)
Surely I’m overlooking something simple that should be able to do this?