BPM - Connection to ProcessAudit Database error


When I triggered a process im getting below error. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this. Eveything else is working file. So it could not proceed with further process steps.

2010-01-11 21:11:06 IST [PRT.0101.0512W] *** Database Storage problem. Exception: [PRT.0101.9301] Error connecting to the ProcessAudit database for cross referencing IDs in the PRT
2010-01-11 21:11:13 IST [PRT.0101.0512W] *** Database Storage problem. Exception: [PRT.0101.9301] Error connecting to the ProcessAudit database for cross referencing IDs in the PRT
2010-01-11 21:11:18 IST [PRT.0101.0512W] *** Database Storage problem. Exception: [PRT.0101.9301] Error connecting to the ProcessAudit database for cross referencing IDs in the PRT
2010-01-11 21:11:23 IST [PRT.0101.0512W] *** Database Storage problem. Exception: [PRT.0101.9301] Error connecting to the ProcessAudit database for cross referencing IDs in the PRT
2010-01-11 21:11:33 IST [PRT.0101.0512W] *** Database Storage problem. Exception: [PRT.0101.9301] Error connecting to the ProcessAudit database for cross referencing IDs in the PRT
2010-01-11 21:11:38 IST [PRT.0101.0512W] *** Database Storage problem. Exception: [PRT.0101.9301] Error connecting to the ProcessAudit database for cross referencing IDs in the PRT
2010-01-11 21:11:43 IST [PRT.0101.0512W] *** Database Storage problem. Exception: [PRT.0101.9301] Error connecting to the ProcessAudit database for cross referencing IDs in the PRT
2010-01-11 21:11:48 IST [PRT.0101.0512W] *** Database Storage problem. Exception: [PRT.0101.9301] Error connecting to the ProcessAudit database for cross referencing IDs in the PRT
2010-01-11 21:11:54 IST [PRT.0101.0512W] *** Database Storage problem. Exception: [PRT.0101.9301] Error connecting to the ProcessAudit database for cross referencing IDs in the PRT
2010-01-11 21:11:59 IST [ISP.0090.0003C] [PRT.0101.9301] Error connecting to the ProcessAudit database for cross referencing IDs in the PRT
2010-01-11 21:11:59 IST [PRT.0101.0196I] (T1) started process PID db31e200fec711dea84a91a32767b618:1, MID pq__BankLoanProcessv30/ProcessBankLoanProcessv30_jrdlcjelc, MVer 3
2010-01-11 21:12:01 IST [ISP.0090.0003C] Service = customerValidate; Income = %Income%
2010-01-11 21:12:01 IST [ISP.0090.0003C] Service = customerValidate; Income = %Customer.consumer.docs:CustomerInfo/MonthlyIncome%
2010-01-11 21:12:01 IST [ISP.0090.0003C] null
2010-01-11 21:12:02 IST [ISP.0090.0003C] updateLoanStatus; Income = %Income%

Check if process audit database is accessible