Basic Notification Pub/Sub Mechanism

Working Scenario :- step by step code logic

Summary :-

Whenever data get insert into DB table column basic notification get trigger data and it change DB table column status from N to Y
by using trigger you can subscribe basic notification documents publish in broker and trigger subscribe service to capture data from DB by using
debug log flow step

Prerequisite :- Oracle DB/wM IS

  1. Create DB Table aka Buffer table with table name BufferTest & schema webMethods in oracel DB
    CREATE TABLE webMethods.BufferTest
    ( “EMPID” VARCHAR2(10),
    “ENAME” VARCHAR2(20),

  2. Write a SQL script to create DB trigger for table name BufferTest
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER webMethods.BufferTrigger AFTER INSERT ON webMethods.BufferTest BEGIN NULL;

  3. Create basic notification in wM designer with table name webMethods.BufferTest in SELECT tab
    select Record ID Column “EMPID” & Mark Id Column “STATUS” & check box Exact Once Notification option as well
    Enable same basic notification from IS Admin page :- Adapters > JDBC Adapter > Polling Notifications
    & Edit Interval(second) 20 sec and check box immediate

  4. Write Insert adapter service on table name BufferTest so that you can insert data into DB table webMethods.BufferTest

  5. Write simple subService to capture data with flow step pub.flow.debugLog and input will be your basic notification document

  6. Write trigger with service name subService and doc name is your basic notification document and enable it.

Test Scenario :-

Insert data by using insert adapter service & check status field name in Oracle DB to change status from N to Y as well as verify same that subscribe service debug log entry in IS admin page server/error logs

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