AuditQueueWorker for queue 'Service Custom Field Queue' failed to log event to destination...

Dear Community,

Could you help\suggest to find the solution fot the below error? Thanks in advance.

[121054]2019-04-25 20:31:41 CEST [WmAuditingSC.queue.2406E] AuditQueueWorker for queue ‘Service Custom Field Queue’ failed to log event to destination ‘ServiceDBDest’; reason ‘[SoftwareAG][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]String or binary data would be truncated.’; stack trace follows
[121053]2019-04-25 20:31:41 CEST [WmAuditingSC.destination.1122E] Destination ‘ServiceDBDest’ caught unexpected Throwable logging audit event: [SoftwareAG][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]String or binary data would be truncated.
[121052]2019-04-25 20:31:41 CEST [WmAuditingSC.logger.3405E] In logger ‘Service Custom Field Logger’, failed to log to destination; reason: Fatal SQLException detected

I found the issue and of course a resolution :slight_smile:

Getting above errors because site configured to audit the data in database where the size of column
“ServiceDBDest”.“WMSERVICECUSTOMFLDS”.“STRINGVALUE” is too short to keep logging value.

Default size is 512 bytes.

You can incrase the size of field but ideal way to do that is to find the service and make it certain to insert value less than a proper value to be indexed for search speed.

What is the max varchar length for creating non-clustered index in sql server?

Key column length should not exceed 900 bytes,but with sqlserver 2016 cu2,this is 1700 bytes

Anyway thanks again.