Ask Research & Development: NaturalONE & DevOps

Video recordings

Video recordings are available here:

Slides available

Presentation slides are available here:

We are excited to invite you to our next International Adabas & Natural User Group. This is a virtual event and registration is open to everyone. For more details, visit the event page and Software AG Groups.

About this event

Get technical tips and tricks directly from the Natural developers! The Software AG R&D team would like to meet you in a live interactive webinar and answer your questions!

Join us for an informative session about the difference between NaturalONE DevOps and NaturalONE Server Mode. Zvonimir Ivanetic and Eli Cohen will talk about repository-based development, demonstrate the first steps on how to implement NaturalONE DevOps, and present best practices.

Register today, and take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions!

Feedback & Ideas

If you have any questions, ideas, or feedback related to the event, please post them as a reply below. We’d love to hear your thoughts.