Does ADABAS render an address space (ASID) non-reusable when it terminates?
If yes to question 1 above,
2.why does it do so? any reason …
3. Is it possible to control it? and how? (other than IPL to reset)
Context: Recently on the question of running out of non-reusable ASID’s (RSVNONR) it may have been attributed to ADABAS. I want to know if it is true / possible etc. and if so … can we do anything to prevent it.
I think that z/OS marks the ASID as non-reusable, not Adabas. The explanation that I was given (correct or incorrect) is z/OS does this for a cross-memory target ASID.
In newer versions of z/OS there is a reuse ASID parameter. Adabas supports the parameter.