API Gateway: Making Custom Extension work?

Hello. First of all, thank you for the various answers about API Gateway above. I’ve already found out a proper working method to at least make the API Gateway work. Now I can get to the next part that I haven’t figured out to work properly:

Custom Extension.

I tried to insert a service link into the Custom Extension that usually worked if I put it on the Routing’s Endpoint URL. But, it failed. I tried to save the pipeline and check it on the designer, but the service put at Custom Extension wasn’t even saved and called. What else do I have to put up for to make the service on the Custom Extension actually get called? Is it the Conditions, or anything else?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @kristian.wijaya1234 ,

Can you please provide more details on the service you are invoking? Is it HTTP External Endpoint or Integration Server Flow service?

If its a flow service, then the service should reside on the same Integration Server as API Gateway.

You can also refer to the article which has steps to configure Custom Extension - Custom Extension policy in API Gateway - Knowledge base - webMethods - Software AG Tech Community & Forums

Please refer the documentation link below for more details
How Do I Invoke an IS Service using a Custom Extension? (softwareag.com)


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