My Plan is to have a global policy of HTTP/HTTPS. In this way, I can set my services to HTTP or HTTPS by just modifying this global Policy.
However, There is a default HTTP/HTTPS policy in the API Level. When I tried to removed it (the grayed out one) an Error pops up saying that a Protocol must be added even though I already have a global policy for this.
Is there a better way to do this?
it seems that i could not upload a file.
the image in Policy.png is showing the transport policy with Required HTTP/HTTPS. There are two Require HTTP/HTTPS here. The Grayed out 1 (API Level) and the Global one.
the image in Error.png shows the error when I tried removing the API Level HTTP/HTTPS. The Error says
“Atleast one entry protocol policy should be available.Please add it and try again.” Even though there is a global policy http/https this error blocks me from saving the policy.