Can someone please explain meaning of below statement related to API Gateway?
“Single gateway merging Enterprise Gateway and Mediator capabilities without the need for CentraSite”
How API lifecycle management will be done without Centrasite?
Can someone please explain meaning of below statement related to API Gateway?
“Single gateway merging Enterprise Gateway and Mediator capabilities without the need for CentraSite”
How API lifecycle management will be done without Centrasite?
API lifecycle management can continue to be done with CentraSite as before (“Design Time governance”). The run time governance policy configuration is now done entirely within the API Gateway.
Thanks Douglas.
Does this mean runtime policies configured using API Gateway does not get stored on Centrasite?
How API Gateway and Centrasite communicates during design time and run time?
Yes, run time policies are maintained in API Gateway and not in CentraSite.
There is no communication between API Gateway and CentraSite at design time (there wasn’t for prior versions either).
API Gateway uses Elastic Search to capture metrics at run time. For v10.0, there is no direct communication between API Gateway and CentraSite. This will be available in v10.1 (for example, publishing a service to the API Gateway).