Apama Raspberry Pi Python Plugin with Cumulocity


Apama sending data from a Raspberry Pi to Cumulocity


In this demo, Apama 10.3 is being used to read data from a Raspberry Pi fitted with a Sensehat.

Apama is running a python plugin which is reading the temperature from the Sensehat.

The temperature data is being converted into Cumulocity Measurement events and is then sent to the Cumulocity tenant.

The Temperature data is also being converted into an Industry Analytics Kit Data event which is being fed through a 'Spike' Analytic to generate Moving Average, UpperBand and LowerBand for the temperature value. This additional data is being converted into Measurement events which are sent to Cumulocity.

Further Instructions

For further instructions visit the repository at GitHub: apama-cumulocity-raspberrypi

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