We applied SSL in webMethods 6.1 environment recently(Ours is a publish subscribe model where Source IS publishes documents to Broker and target IS retrieves it from broker. Certs are placed in both broker and IS) . After this some of the clients connected to the broker gets disconnected. If we bounce the IS then the clients (triggers) gets connected again and after a few hours some or all of the triggers show us disconnected. We use old 4.1 Manager tool to connect to the 6.1 broker and we can very well see that the clients are not connected. Some of the clients in the same IS are connected.
Have you seen this behavior? Do we need to install any other component to support SSL?
I will appreciate if you provide any inputs to resolve this issue
Are there any firewalls between the IS and the Broker? If so there is a fix for the IS (as broker client) with which you can set a broker ping interval. The IS will ping the Broker every set interval to prevent the connection from getting idle and disconnected by the firewall.
Only suggestion would be to increase the logging level and see if any error’s show up in the IS logs. If you see SyncClients disconnected that could be ok, since the synchronization uses the Admin client and not the SyncClient. I think you should consult webMethods Support since there could be a fix for BrokerSSL clients (ie. also IS).
Just saw your thread…
There is a BrokerJavaSSL_6-1_Fix2 patch that I just got yesterday from support and installed it in Dev and Test today. It contains new Java SSL libraries. I have also seen triggers locking and the only fix is to bounce the IS.
Let’s hope this fix is the remedy. It is comprehensive enough to make a difference. Time will tell.