Hi All,
I got some more clues on the above problem …Still could not solve it…
When I manually enabled the listeners, I am getiing a series of “Socket Timeout” after which the previous connection on the port was destroyed and a new connection on a new port was established.
When I restart the IS server, I am atleast able to get one listener automatically to “Yes” while the remaining other two listeners will be disabled. For this case also, the IS server has to be restarted at a paritcular point. (Please see below in the traces…)
2007-05-15 08:33:36 BST [ADA.9000.0999D] Debug Message: Entering ProvidentListener:listenerStartup()
2007-05-15 08:33:39 BST [ADA.9000.0999D] Debug Message: Entering ProvidentListener:listenerStartup()
2007-05-15 08:33:44 BST [ADA.9000.0999D] Debug Message: Entering ProvidentListener:listenerStartup()
Once all listeners are started, the “Socket Timeout” occurs every 20 ms.
2007-05-15 08:33:56 BST [ADA.9000.0153D] Socket timeout
2007-05-15 08:33:56 BST [ADA.9000.0141I] Destroying Connection on port : 60184 to Provident port 29818
2007-05-15 08:33:56 BST [ADA.9000.0142I] Connected on port 60432 to Provident host tsshp1, port 29818
2007-05-15 08:33:56 BST [ADA.9000.1010I] Error reading Connection on port 60432 to Provident port 29818 - java.io.EOFException
2007-05-15 08:33:56 BST [ADA.9000.0141I] Destroying Connection on port : 60432 to Provident port 29818
The above is not yet connected even though it has been destroyed…Before this listener gets a new connection, the other remaining two listeners will have their connection destroyed and got new connections.( as seen below)
2007-05-15 08:33:59 BST [ADA.9000.0153D] Socket timeout
2007-05-15 08:33:59 BST [ADA.9000.0141I] Destroying Connection on port : 60186 to Provident port 29818
2007-05-15 08:33:59 BST [ADA.9000.0142I] Connected on port 60437 to Provident host tsshp1, port 29818
2007-05-15 08:34:04 BST [ADA.9000.0153D] Socket timeout
2007-05-15 08:34:04 BST [ADA.9000.0141I] Destroying Connection on port : 60187 to Provident port 29818
2007-05-15 08:34:04 BST [ADA.9000.0142I] Connected on port 60443 to Provident host tsshp1, port 29818
The below line is for the above connection establishment that was not yet connected :
If I restart the IS server here at this stage, then this listener will be automatically enabled after restart.
2007-05-15 08:34:16 BST [ADA.9000.0142I] Connected on port 60449 to Provident host tsshp1, port 29818
If I restart the IS server here , after the above connection is done, then the associated listener is not automatically enabled after restart.
Also, one more thing is that for those listeners for which the message “Connected on port to Provident host tsshp1, port 29818” is coming, if I restart the server, then I get a “Fatal Error” message for the listeners. (As shown below).
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST [ISS.0014.0005C] Shutting down server. No valid key was found.
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST [ISS.0028.0015C] ProvidentAdapter: Shutdown service
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST [ADA.9000.0999D] Debug Message: Invoked ProvidentAdapter:cleanup()
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST [ART.0114.1107D] Adapter Runtime: Facility 9000 - ProvidentAdapter removed.
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST [ART.0118.5053E] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to get a connection to resource connections:destAgentConn.
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST [ART.0115.3258E] Adapter Runtime (Listener): Fatal error in listener connectionsDestListener2. See error log for details
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST [ART.0115.3258E] Adapter Runtime (Listener): Fatal error in listener connectionsDestListener. See error log for details
Please see above that the Fatal error is coming for the two connections
“connectionsDestListener” and “connectionsDestListener2”. It is not coming for “connectionsDestListener1”. So after server restart, I am getting “connectionsDestListener1” as automatically enabled and the other two as disabled.
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST [ART.0118.5053E] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to get a connection to resource connections:destAgentConn.
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST [ART.0118.5053E] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to get a connection to resource connections:destAgentConn.
From the error logs, I am getting a lot of errors as shown below.
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST WMERROR 1cc9c4b002ba11dcb88299f23c2c8376NULL
1cc9c4b002ba11dcb88299f23c2c83761179215928443 telhp6.tertio.com:5555
The pool doesn’t have a connection available for the request.
javax.resource.spi.ResourceAllocationException: The pool doesn’t have a connection available for the request.
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST WMERROR 9c809c5002b611dcb86999f23c2c8376NULL
9c809c5002b611dcb86999f23c2c83761179215928493 telhp6.tertio.com:5555
NULL java.lang.NullPointerException
Then the Fatal error part for DestListener2.
2007-05-15 08:58:48 BST WMERROR 1cd9551002ba11dcb88699f23c2c8376NULL
1cd9551002ba11dcb88699f23c2c83761179215928545 telhp6.tertio.com:5555
[ART.118.5053] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to get a connection to resource connections:destAgentConn.
The pool doesn’t have a connection available for the request.
BasicData:message=null,date=Tue May 15 08:58:48 BST 2007,reason=The pool doesn’t have a connection available for the request.,
The pool doesn’t have a connection available for the request.
The same error comes for DESTLISTENER
I am not sure what is happening out here…If anyone could please suggest something, please do… grately appreciated…