Accessing IS Service Variables from within JSP tags

Shall try to explain in as much detail as possible.
I am trying to modify an existing Tomcat-JSP application within IS 6.01 to something similar to an functionality - multiple select of files, multiple download and delete/sort etc. I found some java libraries to do that, but for the life of me, I cant pass in the output from my flow service to the JSP tags.

here is a snippet of code

String meatArray = {“sample”, “sample2”};
String cheeseArray = { “american”, “swiss”, “blue”, “colby”};
String veggiesArray = { “lettuce”, “tomato”, “onion”, “parsley”, “olives”};
String condimentArray = { “ketchup”, “mustard”, “mayo”, “bbq sauce”};
java.util.Calendar date = GregorianCalendar.getInstance();

In the sample code above, I am trying to assign my service output to the variable “meatArray”. However, if I include the webMethods invoke tag right there, like



String [] meatArray      = &#60;webm:value&#62;; 
String [] cheeseArray    = { "american", "swiss", "blue", "colby"}; 
String [] veggiesArray   = { "lettuce", "tomato", "onion", "parsley", "olives"}; 
String [] condimentArray = { "ketchup", "mustard", "mayo", "bbq sauce"}; 
java.util.Calendar date  = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); 


No matter where and how I combine the JSP tags and the invoke tag, it fails.

Any help highly appreciated…