

I need some help to call a java service on integration Server. The service is working properly at the Web Methods. At first, I developed a desktop application calling the service and it worked fine, just as a test. So as I´m developing a web application in the project I am orking, I started to try to call the service from a jsp page, using the same structure as I used in the desktop application, but I’m getting the following error:
at tropico.rdm.GerWM.invoke(
at tropico.rdm.EventoTesteGoNogo.movimentarModulo(
at org.apache.jsp.GoNogo.BusGoNogo_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(

Any help how to solve this problem would be useful.

Thanks anyway,

Rafael Cunha - Projeto Tropico UFAM

Please check your ACL’s and PORT restrictions. I hope your port has configured in such a way that it will deny by default. if it is the case, please add your service name, so that it can be invoked from outside the webMethods.

To invoke webMethods service use this syntax:

Hope this is what you are specifying in your JSP page.

There are many threads discussed on this issue.please use the search functionality provided in this site.


make sure that if port settings if you have deny by default then you need to add these service in list to be invoked.
other wise you wil get portAccessException