We have customer that requirements is make custom website to see all of assets we have on Centrasite. the question is how to acces that asset data from centrasite ?
the CentraSite database understands both HTTP (or HTTPS) and XQuery. Asking queries via HTTP(S) works via X-Machine commands. This is not, strictly speaking, part of the CentraSite product, but works due to the CentraSite datastore being sort of a Tamino database. Thus read more in https://documentation.softwareag.com/webmethods/tamino/ins10-15/webhelp/ins-webhelp/xprog/xprspstr.htm#xpcmxqry. A sample XQuery that gives all assets is the following:
Besides direct HTPP calls, trying out XQueries against CentraSite can also be done using XTools. These can be installed for free using the Software AG Installer. Look below “Tamino XML Server”.