Hi Everybody.
I´m in trouble with this case:
- I have a process with a couple of branches (A and B) running at the same time, both go into the same activity (C) which as been defined as AND, when activity A and B are completed then the activity is completed too, but in my case, when both (A and B) are completed, the activity C get a “Waiting” status.
we tested two ways:
1.- we set up the activity C as AND. and we get the Waiting Status.
2.- we wet up the activity CA as Gateway, and get the waiting status too.
In other process in similar need we use AND and it works with no problem (please see my attachment). all the activities finished as Completed.
Attached you will see screen shouts about this issue.
maybe it is a product issue or maybe a implementation stuff.
I appreciate any help and support.
- Rigoberto Lopez
Reporte de instancia que no Avanza al poner AND.doc (1.4 MB)