I am facing a issue with the Select JDBC adapter in 9.5 webMethods version.
While in 8.x version i am able to do a select along with the TimeStamp however, i deployed the same code in the 9 version i am trying to do a select on the same table and the result is only the date. See the results below:
Kindly check in adapter service regarding the “JDBC Type”, it should be timestamp in order to meet your requirement.
Why it was working in 8.x: Kindly check at which JDBC fix level you were. as it used to fetch timestamp information as well even when “JDBC Type” was “Date”. It was fixed in JDBC fix 42, extracts of the same :
JDB-1003 (JDBC_6.5_Fix42)
webMethods JDBC Adapter services erroneously show the timestamp
when retrieving rows from a database table with a DATE Column, if
the Output Field Type is set to java.lang.String.
If it’s working before the fix does t make sense to change the type in the DB or new FIX not equivalent to the existing SERIAL_DATE ? But to me Timestamp make sense as long it works as expected.
The issue with the timestamp is after and before the JDBC fix.
I raised a request to the SAG, will post the updates once this issue is addressed by the provider.
Aside to Amit,
I strongly believe that, there shouldn’t be any changes for the other teams for our product upgrade.
However, i tried changing the data type to TimeStamp in the DB, and it is working fine.
I will keep posted the updates. Thanks to every one.
I do agree there should not be impact on your partner DB due to webMethods upgrade.
But to fetch the TimeStamp information , you need to have the data type as time-stamp in DB. Before JDBC Fix 42 eventhough it is DATE type in DB , but it used to reflect timestamp information as well while fetching the data using adapter service and that was wrong. And the same has been fixed as part of FIX 42.
So while designing itself , you needed to have SERIAL_DATE as time-stamp type in DB. It is just correcting something which was working fine till date due to bug in JDBC adapter .
Still lets wait for SAG Support also to put their comments. Kindly share their findings as well in this forum.
I have a requirement, map the values to a document from a Struct data type from a JDBC adapter.
It is a store procedure from where the output will be a Struct data type.
Can some one help me how can i proceed with coding.
Do i need to use any java service ?